Alloa Hub

Phone: 07928 185 277





How do I purchase shares?

Thank you so much for your interest in buying Alloa Hub shares.

Community and contributor shares can be purchased by completing and handing in/mailing the form inside our prospectus. These can also be collected from the Alloa Hub shop.

If you have any questions about shares or would like to get in touch please email

Meeting room available for hire

The Alloa Hub meeting room is a flexible space that can be set up boardroom style (seating 10/15 ), theatre style (seating 20/25) or as a workshop space. It is wheelchair friendly with disabled toilet access and also includes baby changing facilities and a shower. Please see our prices below:


£10 per hour for Community groups

£15 per hour for commercial

Tea & Coffee £2 per person

A community-owned and run facility in the heart of Alloa

The Alloa Hub is a vibrant, busy place to visit for local people and visitors to the area, catering to diverse needs and providing an essential point of contact for people to access information and services they need. It promotes a safe physical environment to move about for residents, with reduced emissions, less cars and more easy access and knowledge for all to walking, cycling and other health activities.

What type of services are offered?

  • Health and active travel information, ebike training provision and associated training and support.
  • Provision of business and tourism information for local residents and visitors to the area.
  • High quality visitor venue for the Clackmannanshire Tapestry – a five panel visitor attraction telling the story of the area.
  • Associated active travel, heritage, gift and tourist shop.
  • Meeting room and facilities for groups and active travel including a shower.
  • Large accessible disabled toilet, shower and changing facilities.

Alloa has a substantial heritage and has a unique story to tell with strong connections and physical history to the former Royal Court at Stirling, the Jacobite movement, and Clackmannanshire could arguably boast being the cradle of the Scottish industrial revolution. Our aim is to help as many visitors use Alloa as a starting point, coming in by train to explore both the town, the shopping and the surrounding area more easily.

Purchase a share of the action


Who is running the Alloa Hub?

The Alloa Hub is going to use a new way of operating, never before been used in Clackmannanshire and that is as a Community Benefit Society or Ben-com. This means that the community runs the facility from the outset and invests its own money into its operation by way of community shares. Alloa Hub Limited has been established and is registered with the Financial Conduct Authority or FCS. Currently there are four founding directors who live locally or represent local organisations, Alloa First and CTSI. Once the share offer is complete, new directors from the area with the skills needed, will be able to join the board. A community benefit society aims to trade and be self sustaining in the future.

What is a community share offer?

Community shares are a way of raising investment capital from communities. Local people are encouraged to buy shares in the enterprise and become part-owners. As shareholders they are more likely to do everything they can to ensure the success of the business by supporting the enterprise and in some cases by becoming volunteers. Community shares have been used to finance shops, pubs, community buildings, local food scheme, football clubs and renewable energy schemes across Scotland.

Who can purchase shares?

The public share offer is a time-limited opportunity for you, your family, friends, local businesses, groups and organisations and any other supporters of the Clackmannanshire area to invest in the Alloa Hub and help secure the future regeneration and economic revival of the area through its activities for the community.

Anybody is welcome to become a contributor shareholder, regardless of age or location. However, only those resident in Alloa and Clackmannanshire shall be eligible to hold Community Member Shares. At all times a majority of the members must hold Community Member Shares.

How much and why?

To secure the future of the operation of the venue over the longer term, for the benefit of the wider community and businesses of the area, and to ensure adequate finances to help launch the project successfully, Alloa Hub Limited needs to raise £40-50,000. There will be no ongoing support from the Council – this will be operated by the community for the community.

We are asking for a minimum investment of £20 (one share). Groups organisations and local businesses can also invest. However no one shareholder or organisation can buy more than £5,000 (250 shares).

The offer has been extended so that interested parties can view the completed build before investing. The Board reserves the right to extend the offer beyond this initial period if they believe doing so would be of benefit.

How do I purchase shares?

You need to be over 18 years to invest, although children can be part of a syndicate shareholder group.

Shares cost £20 each with a minimum investment of one share. You can buy as many as you want up to 250 shares (£5,000 in value). People can buy shares:

  • As an individual
  • As a present for someone
  • As a business, organisations or other body
  • As a syndicate (up to 10 people – family or group of friends)

Please note – if you are purchasing shares as a gift or as a syndicate or unincorporated organisation (sole trader) you cannot purchase shares in your own names as an individual as well.

Application forms can be downloaded here along with the Community Shares prospectus. Shares can also be purchased online at

Do community shares go up in value?

Community shares remain at the same level but after three years, they may start earning some interest, depending on the board’s decision. Shares are also locked in for a minimum of three years initially, so it is a great way to save for the future. Shares cannot be transferred to anyone else.